Gift Boxes Wholesale

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Gift Boxes wholesale offers

We offer gift boxes by the case at the lowest prices. These products come in many sizes and styles. Which is great since so do gifts. That's good enough for us. We ordered as many as our factories could print.

Most gifts come in one of three ways: wrapping paper, gift bags or gift boxes.

Gift wrapping is hard work. Do you want your customers to have to work hard for someone? They could skip the gift and do a favor instead. If they do a favor, they don't buy the gift from you. So, to us, wrapping paper is a deal breaker.

Think back to the last time you received a gift. Did you shake it? Be honest, we won't tell. If you shake a gift bag stuff falls out. That's another reason boxes are better than bags.

Skip the wrapping paper and shiny gift bags. Buy boxes for gifts. Our offers on case orders are the best you will find.


Our gift boxes come in sizes from medium to extra-large. We offer both solid color hologram and season’s greetings products. The hologram boxes are awesome. The colors change depending on the angle of the viewer. The specific lighting in the room can affect the hologram. Each case includes 48 tops and bottoms.